About Me

Andrea Starn, LMFT (#33056)

Psychotherapy and Meditation

I have been a psychotherapist and meditation practitioner since the 1990’s. As a therapist I’m privileged on a daily basis to support clients moving through the deep joys and sorrows of their human experience. My own journey through this landscape led me to the practice of insight meditation. This involvement has continually inspired me to cultivate greater awareness, compassion, curiosity, and acceptance. Over years as a single working parent, I came to appreciate the practical value of weaving ongoing mindfulness practices into everyday life. As the head of a multi-racial family, I aspire to embody a stance of cultural humility. I have taught what Thich Nat Hanh has called “the miracle of mindfulness” in a variety of settings including jails, clinics, governmental organizations, and faith-based settings. I am an alumna of the University of California, Berkeley and Johns Hopkins University and am also a recent graduate of the Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Certification Program, led by Jack Kornfield and Tara Brach, and the Buddhist Psychology Training Program at Spirit Rock Meditation Center. The completion of these programs reflects my ever-deepening commitment to share mindfulness-informed psychotherapy and mindfulness meditation with those wishing to explore the transformative benefits they can bring.

Part of my work has involved providing mindfulness-informed training on various topics to care providers working in public human services agencies.