
Andrea Starn, LMFT (#33056)

Psychotherapy and Meditation

Notes on a Passing Spring, Wisteria, and Belonging

Notes on a Passing Spring, Wisteria, and Belonging

Hello All, Here in the northern hemisphere, it is high spring and the first warm weather is arriving. I hope that you have been enjoying many of the beautiful ways that the earth has reawakened into new life as we begin to anticipate the coming of summer. One of the...

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March: The Secret Garden and Incipience

March: The Secret Garden and Incipience

Greetings All, Here we are, on the brink of springtime. The vernal equinox on March 21st is one of only two times in the year when the Earth’s axis is tilted neither toward nor away from the sun, resulting in an equal amount of night and day. With the lengthening...

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February: Wolf Moon, Wendigo, and Imbolc

February: Wolf Moon, Wendigo, and Imbolc

Greetings All, I hope that you’re all heartened by the slow but unmistakable lengthening of the days as January slips into February. In December, my husband and I bundled up late afternoons to watch the sun set beyond the coastal hills at 4:30. Now this happens at...

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Magi, Books and a Winter Offering

Magi, Books and a Winter Offering

Hello All, I hope that the holiday season now ending has provided you and your loved ones with comfort, warmth, and brightness, and that the start of 2024 brings some freshness and interest around the year to come. As the year turns, I have been trying to balance...

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Wisdom of Autumn

Wisdom of Autumn

Dear All, Greetings to each of you as early fall shifts into later autumn. I have been busy in my garden, deadheading and clearing out spent summer flowers and foliage, along the way coming across an odd visitor I’ve now learned is known as, wait for it, dog turd...

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Fall’s Natural Wisdom

Fall’s Natural Wisdom

Dear Friends, Here we are again, struggling to fathom another dramatic escalation of war and devastating violence, this time (again) in the Middle East. It is a challenge to reconcile the extent and impact of our savagery as a species along with our precious lived...

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Late Summer: The Wild Rose

Late Summer: The Wild Rose

After a summer of travel, I’m back home in the Bay Area. My visit to Italy involved working remotely with clients while exploring new locations and reconnecting with old ones. I was grateful for the benefits of mindfulness practice, which increased my capacity to...

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Le Temps des Cerises

Le Temps des Cerises

In April, cherry blossom time, I turned 60 and my (even older) father shared with me a recording of the song Le Temps des Cerises, pensively sung here by Yves Montand: In it the sweetness and heartbreak of past love are...

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