Summer Unfolds: Orioles, Elixir, and Taking Stock 

Summer Unfolds: Orioles, Elixir, and Taking Stock 

Hello All,  Here we are, on the threshold of high summer. Many of us are experiencing stretches of extreme heat, so given the worry and discomfort this brings  I hope there have also been some pleasurable seasonal experiences like swimming in cool...
Notes on a Passing Spring, Wisteria, and Belonging

Notes on a Passing Spring, Wisteria, and Belonging

Hello All, Here in the northern hemisphere, it is high spring and the first warm weather is arriving. I hope that you have been enjoying many of the beautiful ways that the earth has reawakened into new life as we begin to anticipate the coming of summer. One of the...
March: The Secret Garden and Incipience

March: The Secret Garden and Incipience

Greetings All, Here we are, on the brink of springtime. The vernal equinox on March 21st is one of only two times in the year when the Earth’s axis is tilted neither toward nor away from the sun, resulting in an equal amount of night and day. With the lengthening...
February: Wolf Moon, Wendigo, and Imbolc

February: Wolf Moon, Wendigo, and Imbolc

Greetings All, I hope that you’re all heartened by the slow but unmistakable lengthening of the days as January slips into February. In December, my husband and I bundled up late afternoons to watch the sun set beyond the coastal hills at 4:30. Now this happens at...
Magi, Books and a Winter Offering

Magi, Books and a Winter Offering

Hello All, I hope that the holiday season now ending has provided you and your loved ones with comfort, warmth, and brightness, and that the start of 2024 brings some freshness and interest around the year to come. As the year turns, I have been trying to balance...
Henges, Badgers, Shell Mounds, and Light in the Dark

Henges, Badgers, Shell Mounds, and Light in the Dark

Dear All, Seasonal greetings as we meet the winter solstice on December 21st, marking the beginning, astronomically speaking of winter. In late November, I offered teachings blending mindfulness practices with the natural wisdom of fall. Now I’m reflecting on meanings...