A 4-week class offered by Andrea Starn, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist via Zoom
Awakening to Mindfulness is based on the principles of Insight, or Mindfulness, meditation. Participants will learn the foundations of mindfulness, develop a meditation practice, and apply the many benefits of mindfulness to daily life. We will cover ways to work skillfully with thoughts, emotions, and sensations; and deepen our awareness of the ever-changing nature of present-moment experience. This series is designed for beginners but is also suitable for those with experience who want to refine their practice. Classes include instruction, guided meditation practice, and discussion.
Monday, March 7, 7– 8:30 pm (Introduction to Mindfulness)
Monday, March 14, 7 – 8:30 pm (Being Fully Human: Mindfulness of Emotions)
Monday, March 21, 7 – 8:30 pm (The Wise Heart: Compassion Practices)
Monday, March 28, 7– 8:30 pm (Bringing Your Practice into the World)
Class is free of charge although we encourage a weekly donation/”love offering.” We ask that you commit to attending all four classes since the teachings build on themselves. Advance registration is required. To register, please go to the Unity website (unityofwalnutcreek.org) or send an email request to: andreastarnlmft@gmail.com.

Andrea Starn is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and is currently completing certification as a Mindfulness Meditation Teacher in the 2-year intensive training program led by Tara Brach and Jack Kornfield through Sounds True and the U.C. Berkeley Greater Good Institute.